Montag, 27. September 2010

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Spring Clean Up Kit, Snap Pea Scent

Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Spring Clean Up Kit, Snap Pea Scent

  • Window spray- enjoy streak free window cleaning without harsh ammonia or chlorine
  • Liquid dish soap- this soap makes grease disappear like nobody’s business
  • All purpose cleaner- a really hard-working, concentrated, and an all-around generalist
  • Countertop spray- a naturally fresh way to clean and remove odors

Aromatherapeutic household cleaners, natural occurring, hard working, yet gentle, essential oils provide a special, singular fragrance for your entire home. Snap pea captures that garden scent of spring and fresh-picked peas, with just a little pinch

Rating: (out of 6 reviews)

List Price: $ 15.00

Price: $ 11.99

Question by Love always, Kortnei: What are your favorite cleaning supplies and what do you use them to clean?

I am slightly spoiled and I really haven’t ever had to clean…I want to cancel my housekeeping service to try and save money but I’m not even sure where to start…..yes I know many of you will insult me but I want to properly stock up on cleaning supplies…which are the best?

Best answer:

Answer by fordman
Vinegar and water then use newspapers to clean windows. Oxyclean and Tide for the clothes.
Simple green for the floors
Pledge for the dusting.
That should keep you busy.

Add your own answer in the comments!

SC Johnson #70091 SB Toilet Cleaning Gel

  • SC Johnson #70091 SB Toilet Cleaning Gel
  • Easy to use
  • Fresh lasting scent
  • 1 full dispenser lasts up to 500 flushes

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel, Cleans & Freshens With Every Flush, Contains One Dispenser Plus 6 Gel Discs, Each Disc Cleans Up To 7 Days, Easy To Use, Fresh Lasting Scent, 1 Full Dispenser Lasts Up To 500 Flushes.

Rating: (out of 34 reviews)

List Price: $ 4.19

Price: $ 1.75

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