Samstag, 25. September 2010

Clorox, 1 fresh scent, 2 lemon fresh,1 orange scent, kills cold & Flu viruses 78 wipes ea

Clorox, 1 fresh scent, 2 lemon fresh,1 orange scent, kills cold & Flu viruses 78 wipes ea

  • Clorox Wipes
  • 1 lemon fresh
  • 2 fresh scent
  • 1 orange scent
  • kills cold & Flu viruses

Clorox, 1 fresh scent, 2 lemon fresh,1 orange scent, kills cold & Flu viruses 78 wipes ea

Rating: (out of 8 reviews)

List Price: $ 24.99

Price: $ 14.00

Question by cryxander: cleaning supplies?

What are your favorite cleaning supplies for the different areas?
Tile, laminate hardwood, carpet stains, stainless steel, bathroom?

Best answer:

Answer by misfit
I use vinegar and/or baking soda for all of these. Sometimes I may use simple-green or a citrus cleaner-maybe just a lemon cut up or one on the market-but rarely buy ready-made anything. When there are viruses about I may get a can of disinfectant just to spray all the door knobs, toilet handles, phones, keyboards and other handles and knobs frquently touched by all.

What do you think? Answer below!

Pine-Sol Cleaner, Original 28 fl oz (1.75 pt) 828 ml

  • Has helped generations of moms to clean and disinfect their homes since 1929
  • Active ingredient is real pine oil
  • Effective on grease and grime

Cleans. Disinfects. Deodorizes. All purpose cleaner and disinfectant. Kills bacteria (Broad spectrum disinfectant against Salmonella choleraesuis and Staphylococcus aureus). Removes tough grease and dirt. Deodorizes and has a clean, fresh scent. Cont

List Price: $ 3.84

Price: $ 2.62

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