Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

Cerama Bryte 47616 Stainless Steel Cleaning Polish

Cerama Bryte 47616 Stainless Steel Cleaning Polish

  • Unique formula easily cleans, polishes & protects stainless steel surfaces on appliances such as dishwashers, microwaves & refrigerators
  • Contains recommended mineral oil to help protect from future spots & leaves a protective shine

Cerama Bryte 47616 stainless steel cleaning polish

Rating: (out of 2 reviews)

List Price: $ 6.49

Price: $ 3.99

Question by Terri: Is there any proof that chemical based housed cleaning supplies cause allergy problems?

My allergies are always irritated, and I am starting to look at more natural solutions for everyday living in hopes of solving the problem. Does anyone have some successful and “green” recipes for home cleaning supplies?

Best answer:

Answer by Angie
YES!! I don’t have much experience with chemical sensitivities, but check out the yahoo group Foodlab. They are quite familiar with this topic, and I see discussions all the time about it.

What do you think? Answer below!

Windex Outdoor All-In-One Glass Cleaning Tool – Pads Refill 2 ea

  • Streak-free shine in about 1/2 the time
  • Water activated pad contains Windex cleaner
  • Cleans up to 20 windows
  • Threaded end handle can be utilized for second story
  • No-Scratch cleaning pad designed to tackle tough outdoor grime.

Refill Pads
Streak-Free Shine in About 1/2 the Time!*
Each Pa

Rating: (out of 4 reviews)

List Price: $ 4.99

Price: $ 5.15

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